简介:齐晓娟博士是香港大学电气与电子工程系的助理教授。她从香港中文大学获得博士学位,并曾在多伦多大学、牛津大学和英特尔视觉计算组工作和交流。她致力于赋予机器在开放世界中感知、理解和重构视觉世界的能力,并推动它们在具身智能中的应用。她在CVPR、ICCV、NeurIPS等顶级计算机视觉和机器学习会议上发表了60余篇论文,其中多篇论文受邀进行口头报告。她曾受邀担任ICCV 2021、CVPR 2021、AAAI 2021、AAAI 2022、CVPR 2023、NeurIPS 2023和CVPR 2024的领域主席。(个人主页:https://xjqi.github.io/)
报告题目:Learning to Simulate and Understand the 3D Visual World
报告摘要:Humans live in a 3D world, continually acquiring diverse skills and engaging in various activities through perceiving, understanding, and interacting with it. Our long-term research objective is centered on simulating the 3D world and empowering AI systems with 3D spatial understanding capabilities. In this talk, I will start by discussing our recent research efforts in creating 3D interactive environments by reconstruction, decomposition, and generation. Subsequently, I will explore how we can equip machines with the ability to comprehend and reason within a 3D environment by adopting a data-centric approach. Lastly, I will examine the possibilities of integrating 3D environment simulation and understanding to facilitate the emergence of closed-loop active intelligence. In summary, this talk will encompass our latest efforts in 3D reconstruction, comprehension, and creation, ultimately aiming for AI systems that can effectively navigate and engage with our 3D world.